GeNN  2.2.3
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CclassolThis class cpontains the methods for running the MBody1 example model
 CexpDecayDpClass defining the dependent parameter for exponential decay
 CpwSTDPTODO This class definition may be code-generated in a future release
 CpwSTDP_userdefTODO This class definition may be code-generated in a future release
 CrulkovdpClass defining the dependent parameters of the Rulkov map neuron
 CneuronModelClass for specifying a neuron model
 CpostSynModelClass to hold the information that defines a post-synaptic model (a model of how synapses affect post-synaptic neuron variables, classically in the form of a synaptic current). It also allows to define an equation for the dynamics that can be applied to the summed synaptic input variable "insyn"
 CQTIsaac< ALPHA, T >
 CQTIsaac< 8, unsigned long >
 CQTIsaac< ALPHA, T >::randctx
 CrandomGaussClass random Gauss encapsulates the methods for generating random neumbers with Gaussian distribution
 CrandomGenClass randomGen which implements the ISAAC random number generator for uniformely distributed random numbers
 CSchmuker2014_classifierThis class cpontains the methods for running the Schmuker_2014_classifier example model
 CSparseProjectionClass (struct) for defining a spars connectivity projection
 CSimulationTestVars< NeuronPolicy, SynapsePolicy >
 CweightUpdateModelClass to hold the information that defines a weightupdate model (a model of how spikes affect synaptic (and/or) (mostly) post-synaptic neuron variables. It also allows to define changes in response to post-synaptic spikes/spike-like events