GeNN  2.2.3
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
NNmodel Class Reference

#include <modelSpec.h>

Public Member Functions

 NNmodel ()
 ~NNmodel ()
void setName (const string)
 Method to set the neuronal network model name. More...
void setPrecision (FloatType)
 Set numerical precision for floating point. More...
void setDT (double)
 Set the integration step size of the model. More...
void setTiming (bool)
 Set whether timers and timing commands are to be included. More...
void setSeed (unsigned int)
 Set the random seed (disables automatic seeding if argument not 0). More...
void checkSizes (unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *)
void setGPUDevice (int)
 Method to choose the GPU to be used for the model. If "AUTODEVICE' (-1), GeNN will choose the device based on a heuristic rule. More...
string scalarExpr (const double) const
void setPopulationSums ()
 Set the accumulated sums of lowest multiple of kernel block size >= group sizes for all simulated groups. More...
void finalize ()
 Declare that the model specification is finalised in modelDefinition(). More...
void addNeuronPopulation (const string &, unsigned int, unsigned int, const double *, const double *)
 Method for adding a neuron population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population. More...
void addNeuronPopulation (const string &, unsigned int, unsigned int, const vector< double > &, const vector< double > &)
 Method for adding a neuron population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population. More...
void setNeuronClusterIndex (const string &neuronGroup, int hostID, int deviceID)
 Function for setting which host and which device a neuron group will be simulated on. More...
void activateDirectInput (const string &, unsigned int type)
 This function defines the type of the explicit input to the neuron model. Current options are common constant input to all neurons, input from a file and input defines as a rule. More...
void setConstInp (const string &, double)
 This function has been deprecated in GeNN 2.2. More...
unsigned int findNeuronGrp (const string &) const
 Find the the ID number of a neuron group by its name. More...
void addSynapsePopulation (const string &name, unsigned int syntype, SynapseConnType conntype, SynapseGType gtype, const string &src, const string &trg, const double *p)
 This function has been depreciated as of GeNN 2.2. More...
void addSynapsePopulation (const string &, unsigned int, SynapseConnType, SynapseGType, unsigned int, unsigned int, const string &, const string &, const double *, const double *, const double *)
 Overloaded version without initial variables for synapses. More...
void addSynapsePopulation (const string &, unsigned int, SynapseConnType, SynapseGType, unsigned int, unsigned int, const string &, const string &, const double *, const double *, const double *, const double *)
 Method for adding a synapse population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population. More...
void addSynapsePopulation (const string &, unsigned int, SynapseConnType, SynapseGType, unsigned int, unsigned int, const string &, const string &, const vector< double > &, const vector< double > &, const vector< double > &, const vector< double > &)
 Method for adding a synapse population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population. More...
void setSynapseG (const string &, double)
 This function has been depreciated as of GeNN 2.2. More...
void setMaxConn (const string &, unsigned int)
 This function defines the maximum number of connections for a neuron in the population. More...
void setSpanTypeToPre (const string &)
 Method for switching the execution order of synapses to pre-to-post. More...
void setSynapseClusterIndex (const string &synapseGroup, int hostID, int deviceID)
 Function for setting which host and which device a synapse group will be simulated on. More...
void initLearnGrps ()
unsigned int findSynapseGrp (const string &) const
 This function is a tool to find the numeric ID of a synapse population based on the name of the synapse population. More...

Public Attributes

string name
 Name of the neuronal newtwork model. More...
string ftype
 Type of floating point variables (float, double, ...; default: float) More...
string RNtype
 Underlying type for random number generation (default: long) More...
double dt
 The integration time step of the model. More...
int final
 Flag for whether the model has been finalized. More...
unsigned int needSt
 Whether last spike times are needed at all in this network model (related to STDP) More...
unsigned int needSynapseDelay
 Whether delayed synapse conductance is required in the network. More...
bool timing
unsigned int seed
unsigned int resetKernel
 The identity of the kernel in which the spike counters will be reset. More...
unsigned int neuronGrpN
 Number of neuron groups. More...
vector< string > neuronName
 Names of neuron groups. More...
vector< unsigned int > neuronN
 Number of neurons in group. More...
vector< unsigned int > sumNeuronN
 Summed neuron numbers. More...
vector< unsigned int > padSumNeuronN
 Padded summed neuron numbers. More...
vector< unsigned int > neuronPostSyn
vector< unsigned int > neuronType
 Postsynaptic methods to the neuron. More...
vector< vector< double > > neuronPara
 Parameters of neurons. More...
vector< vector< double > > dnp
 Derived neuron parameters. More...
vector< vector< double > > neuronIni
 Initial values of neurons. More...
vector< vector< unsigned int > > inSyn
 The ids of the incoming synapse groups. More...
vector< vector< unsigned int > > outSyn
 The ids of the outgoing synapse groups. More...
vector< bool > neuronNeedSt
 Whether last spike time needs to be saved for a group. More...
vector< bool > neuronNeedTrueSpk
 Whether spike-like events from a group are required. More...
vector< bool > neuronNeedSpkEvnt
 Whether spike-like events from a group are required. More...
vector< vector< bool > > neuronVarNeedQueue
 Whether a neuron variable needs queueing for syn code. More...
vector< set< pair< string, string > > > neuronSpkEvntCondition
 Will contain the spike event condition code when spike events are used. More...
vector< unsigned int > neuronDelaySlots
 The number of slots needed in the synapse delay queues of a neuron group. More...
vector< int > neuronHostID
 The ID of the cluster node which the neuron groups are computed on. More...
vector< int > neuronDeviceID
 The ID of the CUDA device which the neuron groups are comnputed on. More...
unsigned int synapseGrpN
 Number of synapse groups. More...
vector< string > synapseName
 Names of synapse groups. More...
vector< unsigned int > maxConn
 Padded summed maximum number of connections for a neuron in the neuron groups. More...
vector< unsigned int > padSumSynapseKrnl
vector< unsigned int > synapseType
 Types of synapses. More...
vector< SynapseConnTypesynapseConnType
 Connectivity type of synapses. More...
vector< SynapseGTypesynapseGType
 Type of specification method for synaptic conductance. More...
vector< unsigned int > synapseSpanType
 Execution order of synapses in the kernel. It determines whether synapses are executed in parallel for every postsynaptic neuron (0, default), or for every presynaptic neuron (1). More...
vector< unsigned int > synapseSource
 Presynaptic neuron groups. More...
vector< unsigned int > synapseTarget
 Postsynaptic neuron groups. More...
vector< unsigned int > synapseInSynNo
 IDs of the target neurons' incoming synapse variables for each synapse group. More...
vector< unsigned int > synapseOutSynNo
 The target neurons' outgoing synapse for each synapse group. More...
vector< bool > synapseUsesTrueSpikes
 Defines if synapse update is done after detection of real spikes (only one point after threshold) More...
vector< bool > synapseUsesSpikeEvents
 Defines if synapse update is done after detection of spike events (every point above threshold) More...
vector< bool > synapseUsesPostLearning
 Defines if anything is done in case of postsynaptic neuron spiking before presynaptic neuron (punishment in STDP etc.) More...
vector< bool > synapseUsesSynapseDynamics
 Defines if there is any continuos synapse dynamics defined. More...
vector< bool > needEvntThresholdReTest
 Defines whether the Evnt Threshold needs to be retested in the synapse kernel due to multiple non-identical events in the pre-synaptic neuron population. More...
vector< vector< double > > synapsePara
 parameters of synapses More...
vector< vector< double > > synapseIni
 Initial values of synapse variables. More...
vector< vector< double > > dsp_w
 Derived synapse parameters (weightUpdateModel only) More...
vector< unsigned int > postSynapseType
 Types of post-synaptic model. More...
vector< vector< double > > postSynapsePara
 parameters of postsynapses More...
vector< vector< double > > postSynIni
 Initial values of postsynaptic variables. More...
vector< vector< double > > dpsp
 Derived postsynapse parameters. More...
unsigned int lrnGroups
 Number of synapse groups with learning. More...
vector< unsigned int > padSumLearnN
 Padded summed neuron numbers of learn group source populations. More...
vector< unsigned int > lrnSynGrp
 Enumeration of the IDs of synapse groups that learn. More...
vector< unsigned int > synapseDelay
 Global synaptic conductance delay for the group (in time steps) More...
unsigned int synDynGroups
 Number of synapse groups that define continuous synapse dynamics. More...
vector< unsigned int > synDynGrp
 Enumeration of the IDs of synapse groups that have synapse Dynamics. More...
vector< unsigned int > padSumSynDynN
 Padded summed neuron numbers of synapse dynamics group source populations. More...
vector< int > synapseHostID
 The ID of the cluster node which the synapse groups are computed on. More...
vector< int > synapseDeviceID
 The ID of the CUDA device which the synapse groups are comnputed on. More...
vector< string > neuronKernelParameters
vector< string > neuronKernelParameterTypes
vector< string > synapseKernelParameters
vector< string > synapseKernelParameterTypes
vector< string > simLearnPostKernelParameters
vector< string > simLearnPostKernelParameterTypes
vector< string > synapseDynamicsKernelParameters
vector< string > synapseDynamicsKernelParameterTypes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NNmodel::NNmodel ( )
NNmodel::~NNmodel ( )

Member Function Documentation

void NNmodel::activateDirectInput ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  type 

This function defines the type of the explicit input to the neuron model. Current options are common constant input to all neurons, input from a file and input defines as a rule.

nameName of the neuron population
typeType of input: 1 if common input, 2 if custom input from file, 3 if custom input as a rule
void NNmodel::addNeuronPopulation ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  nNo,
unsigned int  type,
const double *  p,
const double *  ini 

Method for adding a neuron population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

This function adds a neuron population to a neuronal network models, assigning the name, the number of neurons in the group, the neuron type, parameters and initial values, the latter two defined as double *

nameThe name of the neuron population
nNoNumber of neurons in the population
typeType of the neurons, refers to either a standard type or user-defined type
pParameters of this neuron type
iniInitial values for variables of this neuron type
void NNmodel::addNeuronPopulation ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  nNo,
unsigned int  type,
const vector< double > &  p,
const vector< double > &  ini 

Method for adding a neuron population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population.

This function adds a neuron population to a neuronal network models, assigning the name, the number of neurons in the group, the neuron type, parameters and initial values. The latter two defined as STL vectors of double.

nameThe name of the neuron population
nNoNumber of neurons in the population
typeType of the neurons, refers to either a standard type or user-defined type
pParameters of this neuron type
iniInitial values for variables of this neuron type
void NNmodel::addSynapsePopulation ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  syntype,
SynapseConnType  conntype,
SynapseGType  gtype,
const string &  src,
const string &  target,
const double *  params 

This function has been depreciated as of GeNN 2.2.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

This deprecated function is provided for compatibility with the previous release of GeNN. Default values are provide for new parameters, it is strongly recommended these be selected explicity via the new version othe function

nameThe name of the synapse population
syntypeThe type of synapse to be added (i.e. learning mode)
conntypeThe type of synaptic connectivity
gtypeThe way how the synaptic conductivity g will be defined
srcName of the (existing!) pre-synaptic neuron population
targetName of the (existing!) post-synaptic neuron population
paramsA C-type array of doubles that contains synapse parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
void NNmodel::addSynapsePopulation ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  syntype,
SynapseConnType  conntype,
SynapseGType  gtype,
unsigned int  delaySteps,
unsigned int  postsyn,
const string &  src,
const string &  trg,
const double *  p,
const double *  PSVini,
const double *  ps 

Overloaded version without initial variables for synapses.

Overloaded old version (deprecated)

nameThe name of the synapse population
syntypeThe type of synapse to be added (i.e. learning mode)
conntypeThe type of synaptic connectivity
gtypeThe way how the synaptic conductivity g will be defined
delayStepsNumber of delay slots
postsynPostsynaptic integration method
srcName of the (existing!) pre-synaptic neuron population
trgName of the (existing!) post-synaptic neuron population
pA C-type array of doubles that contains synapse parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
PSViniA C-type array of doubles that contains the initial values for postsynaptic mechanism variables (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
psA C-type array of doubles that contains postsynaptic mechanism parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
void NNmodel::addSynapsePopulation ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  syntype,
SynapseConnType  conntype,
SynapseGType  gtype,
unsigned int  delaySteps,
unsigned int  postsyn,
const string &  src,
const string &  trg,
const double *  synini,
const double *  p,
const double *  PSVini,
const double *  ps 

Method for adding a synapse population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population.

This function adds a synapse population to a neuronal network model, assigning the name, the synapse type, the connectivity type, the type of conductance specification, the source and destination neuron populations, and the synaptic parameters.

nameThe name of the synapse population
syntypeThe type of synapse to be added (i.e. learning mode)
conntypeThe type of synaptic connectivity
gtypeThe way how the synaptic conductivity g will be defined
delayStepsNumber of delay slots
postsynPostsynaptic integration method
srcName of the (existing!) pre-synaptic neuron population
trgName of the (existing!) post-synaptic neuron population
syniniA C-type array of doubles that contains the initial values for synapse variables (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
pA C-type array of doubles that contains synapse parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
PSViniA C-type array of doubles that contains the initial values for postsynaptic mechanism variables (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
psA C-type array of doubles that contains postsynaptic mechanism parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
void NNmodel::addSynapsePopulation ( const string &  name,
unsigned int  syntype,
SynapseConnType  conntype,
SynapseGType  gtype,
unsigned int  delaySteps,
unsigned int  postsyn,
const string &  src,
const string &  trg,
const vector< double > &  synini,
const vector< double > &  p,
const vector< double > &  PSVini,
const vector< double > &  ps 

Method for adding a synapse population to a neuronal network model, using C++ string for the name of the population.

This function adds a synapse population to a neuronal network model, assigning the name, the synapse type, the connectivity type, the type of conductance specification, the source and destination neuron populations, and the synaptic parameters.

nameThe name of the synapse population
syntypeThe type of synapse to be added (i.e. learning mode)
conntypeThe type of synaptic connectivity
gtypeThe way how the synaptic conductivity g will be defined
delayStepsNumber of delay slots
postsynPostsynaptic integration method
srcName of the (existing!) pre-synaptic neuron population
trgName of the (existing!) post-synaptic neuron population
syniniA C-type array of doubles that contains the initial values for synapse variables (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
pA C-type array of doubles that contains synapse parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
PSViniA C-type array of doubles that contains the initial values for postsynaptic mechanism variables (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
psA C-type array of doubles that contains postsynaptic mechanism parameter values (common to all synapses of the population) which will be used for the defined synapses.
void NNmodel::checkSizes ( unsigned int *  ,
unsigned int *  ,
unsigned int *   
void NNmodel::finalize ( )

Declare that the model specification is finalised in modelDefinition().

unsigned int NNmodel::findNeuronGrp ( const string &  nName) const

Find the the ID number of a neuron group by its name.

This function is a tool to find the numeric ID of a neuron population based on the name of the neuron population.

nNameName of the neuron population
unsigned int NNmodel::findSynapseGrp ( const string &  sName) const

This function is a tool to find the numeric ID of a synapse population based on the name of the synapse population.

sNameName of the synapse population
void NNmodel::initLearnGrps ( )
string NNmodel::scalarExpr ( const double  val) const
void NNmodel::setConstInp ( const string &  sName,
double  globalInp0 

This function has been deprecated in GeNN 2.2.

This function sets a global input value to the specified neuron group.

void NNmodel::setDT ( double  newDT)

Set the integration step size of the model.

This function sets the integration time step DT of the model.

void NNmodel::setGPUDevice ( int  device)

Method to choose the GPU to be used for the model. If "AUTODEVICE' (-1), GeNN will choose the device based on a heuristic rule.

This function defines the way how the GPU is chosen. If "AUTODEVICE" (-1) is given as the argument, GeNN will use internal heuristics to choose the device. Otherwise the argument is the device number and the indicated device will be used.

void NNmodel::setMaxConn ( const string &  sname,
unsigned int  maxConnP 

This function defines the maximum number of connections for a neuron in the population.

void NNmodel::setName ( const string  inname)

Method to set the neuronal network model name.

void NNmodel::setNeuronClusterIndex ( const string &  neuronGroup,
int  hostID,
int  deviceID 

Function for setting which host and which device a neuron group will be simulated on.

This function is for setting which host and which device a neuron group will be simulated on.

neuronGroupName of the neuron population
hostIDID of the host
deviceIDID of the device
void NNmodel::setPopulationSums ( )

Set the accumulated sums of lowest multiple of kernel block size >= group sizes for all simulated groups.

Accumulate the sums and block-size-padded sums of all simulation groups.

This method saves the neuron numbers of the populations rounded to the next multiple of the block size as well as the sums s(i) = sum_{1...i} n_i of the rounded population sizes. These are later used to determine the branching structure for the generated neuron kernel code.

void NNmodel::setPrecision ( FloatType  floattype)

Set numerical precision for floating point.

This function sets the numerical precision of floating type variables. By default, it is GENN_GENN_FLOAT.

void NNmodel::setSeed ( unsigned int  inseed)

Set the random seed (disables automatic seeding if argument not 0).

This function sets the random seed. If the passed argument is > 0, automatic seeding is disabled. If the argument is 0, the underlying seed is obtained from the time() function.

inseedthe new seed
void NNmodel::setSpanTypeToPre ( const string &  sname)

Method for switching the execution order of synapses to pre-to-post.

This function defines the execution order of the synapses in the kernels (0 : execute for every postsynaptic neuron 1: execute for every presynaptic neuron)

snamename of the synapse group to which to apply the pre-synaptic span type
void NNmodel::setSynapseClusterIndex ( const string &  synapseGroup,
int  hostID,
int  deviceID 

Function for setting which host and which device a synapse group will be simulated on.

This function is for setting which host and which device a synapse group will be simulated on.

synapseGroupName of the synapse population
hostIDID of the host
deviceIDID of the device
void NNmodel::setSynapseG ( const string &  sName,
double  g 

This function has been depreciated as of GeNN 2.2.

This functions sets the global value of the maximal synaptic conductance for a synapse population that was idfentified as conductance specifcation method "GLOBALG".

void NNmodel::setTiming ( bool  theTiming)

Set whether timers and timing commands are to be included.

This function sets a flag to determine whether timers and timing commands are to be included in generated code.

Member Data Documentation

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::dnp

Derived neuron parameters.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::dpsp

Derived postsynapse parameters.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::dsp_w

Derived synapse parameters (weightUpdateModel only)

double NNmodel::dt

The integration time step of the model.

int NNmodel::final

Flag for whether the model has been finalized.

string NNmodel::ftype

Type of floating point variables (float, double, ...; default: float)

vector<vector<unsigned int> > NNmodel::inSyn

The ids of the incoming synapse groups.

unsigned int NNmodel::lrnGroups

Number of synapse groups with learning.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::lrnSynGrp

Enumeration of the IDs of synapse groups that learn.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::maxConn

Padded summed maximum number of connections for a neuron in the neuron groups.

string NNmodel::name

Name of the neuronal newtwork model.

vector<bool> NNmodel::needEvntThresholdReTest

Defines whether the Evnt Threshold needs to be retested in the synapse kernel due to multiple non-identical events in the pre-synaptic neuron population.

unsigned int NNmodel::needSt

Whether last spike times are needed at all in this network model (related to STDP)

unsigned int NNmodel::needSynapseDelay

Whether delayed synapse conductance is required in the network.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::neuronDelaySlots

The number of slots needed in the synapse delay queues of a neuron group.

vector<int> NNmodel::neuronDeviceID

The ID of the CUDA device which the neuron groups are comnputed on.

unsigned int NNmodel::neuronGrpN

Number of neuron groups.

vector<int> NNmodel::neuronHostID

The ID of the cluster node which the neuron groups are computed on.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::neuronIni

Initial values of neurons.

vector<string> NNmodel::neuronKernelParameters
vector<string> NNmodel::neuronKernelParameterTypes
vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::neuronN

Number of neurons in group.

vector<string> NNmodel::neuronName

Names of neuron groups.

vector<bool> NNmodel::neuronNeedSpkEvnt

Whether spike-like events from a group are required.

vector<bool> NNmodel::neuronNeedSt

Whether last spike time needs to be saved for a group.

vector<bool> NNmodel::neuronNeedTrueSpk

Whether spike-like events from a group are required.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::neuronPara

Parameters of neurons.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::neuronPostSyn
vector<set<pair<string, string> > > NNmodel::neuronSpkEvntCondition

Will contain the spike event condition code when spike events are used.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::neuronType

Postsynaptic methods to the neuron.

Types of neurons

vector<vector<bool> > NNmodel::neuronVarNeedQueue

Whether a neuron variable needs queueing for syn code.

vector<vector<unsigned int> > NNmodel::outSyn

The ids of the outgoing synapse groups.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::padSumLearnN

Padded summed neuron numbers of learn group source populations.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::padSumNeuronN

Padded summed neuron numbers.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::padSumSynapseKrnl
vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::padSumSynDynN

Padded summed neuron numbers of synapse dynamics group source populations.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::postSynapsePara

parameters of postsynapses

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::postSynapseType

Types of post-synaptic model.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::postSynIni

Initial values of postsynaptic variables.

unsigned int NNmodel::resetKernel

The identity of the kernel in which the spike counters will be reset.

string NNmodel::RNtype

Underlying type for random number generation (default: long)

unsigned int NNmodel::seed
vector<string> NNmodel::simLearnPostKernelParameters
vector<string> NNmodel::simLearnPostKernelParameterTypes
vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::sumNeuronN

Summed neuron numbers.

vector<SynapseConnType> NNmodel::synapseConnType

Connectivity type of synapses.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseDelay

Global synaptic conductance delay for the group (in time steps)

vector<int> NNmodel::synapseDeviceID

The ID of the CUDA device which the synapse groups are comnputed on.

vector<string> NNmodel::synapseDynamicsKernelParameters
vector<string> NNmodel::synapseDynamicsKernelParameterTypes
unsigned int NNmodel::synapseGrpN

Number of synapse groups.

vector<SynapseGType> NNmodel::synapseGType

Type of specification method for synaptic conductance.

vector<int> NNmodel::synapseHostID

The ID of the cluster node which the synapse groups are computed on.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::synapseIni

Initial values of synapse variables.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseInSynNo

IDs of the target neurons' incoming synapse variables for each synapse group.

vector<string> NNmodel::synapseKernelParameters
vector<string> NNmodel::synapseKernelParameterTypes
vector<string> NNmodel::synapseName

Names of synapse groups.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseOutSynNo

The target neurons' outgoing synapse for each synapse group.

vector<vector<double> > NNmodel::synapsePara

parameters of synapses

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseSource

Presynaptic neuron groups.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseSpanType

Execution order of synapses in the kernel. It determines whether synapses are executed in parallel for every postsynaptic neuron (0, default), or for every presynaptic neuron (1).

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseTarget

Postsynaptic neuron groups.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synapseType

Types of synapses.

vector<bool> NNmodel::synapseUsesPostLearning

Defines if anything is done in case of postsynaptic neuron spiking before presynaptic neuron (punishment in STDP etc.)

vector<bool> NNmodel::synapseUsesSpikeEvents

Defines if synapse update is done after detection of spike events (every point above threshold)

vector<bool> NNmodel::synapseUsesSynapseDynamics

Defines if there is any continuos synapse dynamics defined.

vector<bool> NNmodel::synapseUsesTrueSpikes

Defines if synapse update is done after detection of real spikes (only one point after threshold)

unsigned int NNmodel::synDynGroups

Number of synapse groups that define continuous synapse dynamics.

vector<unsigned int> NNmodel::synDynGrp

Enumeration of the IDs of synapse groups that have synapse Dynamics.

bool NNmodel::timing

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: