GeNN  2.2.3
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 MBody1_project/model/classol_sim.ccMain entry point for the classol (CLASSification in OLfaction) model simulation. Provided as a part of the complete example of simulating the MBody1 mushroom body model
 MBody_delayedSyn_project/model/classol_sim.ccMain entry point for the classol (CLASSification in OLfaction) model simulation. Provided as a part of the complete example of simulating the MBody_delayedSyn mushroom body model
 MBody_individualID_project/model/classol_sim.ccMain entry point for the classol (CLASSification in OLfaction) model simulation. Provided as a part of the complete example of simulating the MBody1 mushroom body model
 MBody_userdef_project/model/classol_sim.ccMain entry point for the classol (CLASSification in OLfaction) model simulation. Provided as a part of the complete example of simulating the MBody1 mushroom body model
 MBody1_project/model/classol_sim.hHeader file containing global variables and macros used in running the classol / MBody1 model
 MBody_delayedSyn_project/model/classol_sim.hHeader file containing global variables and macros used in running the classol / MBody_delayedSyn model
 MBody_individualID_project/model/classol_sim.hHeader file containing global variables and macros used in running the classol / MBody_individualID model
 MBody_userdef_project/model/classol_sim.hHeader file containing global variables and macros used in running the classol / MBody1 model
 command_line_processing.hThis file contains some tools for parsing the argv array which contains the command line options
 gauss.ccContains the implementation of the Gaussian random number generator class randomGauss
 gauss.hRandom number generator for Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
 gen_input_structured.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 gen_kcdn_syns.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 gen_pnkc_syns.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 gen_pnkc_syns_indivID.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 gen_pnlhi_syns.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 gen_syns_sparse.ccThis file generates the arrays needed for sparse connectivity. The connectivity is saved to a file for each variable and can then be read to fill the struct of connectivity
 gen_syns_sparse_izhModel.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the Izhikevich network model
 HHVclampGA_project/generate_run.ccThis file is used to run the HHVclampGA model with a single command line
 Izh_sparse_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classIzh/Izh_sparse example model
 MBody1_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 MBody_delayedSyn_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody_delayedSyn example model
 MBody_individualID_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody_individualID example model
 MBody_userdef_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody_userdef example model
 OneComp_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 PoissonIzh_project/generate_run.ccThis file is part of a tool chain for running the classol/MBody1 example model
 generateALL.ccMain file combining the code for code generation. Part of the code generation section
 generateCPU.ccFunctions for generating code that will run the neuron and synapse simulations on the CPU. Part of the code generation section
 generateCPU.hFunctions for generating code that will run the neuron and synapse simulations on the CPU. Part of the code generation section
 generateKernels.ccContains functions that generate code for CUDA kernels. Part of the code generation section
 generateKernels.hContains functions that generate code for CUDA kernels. Part of the code generation section
 generateRunner.ccContains functions to generate code for running the simulation on the GPU, and for I/O convenience functions between GPU and CPU space. Part of the code generation section
 generateRunner.hContains functions to generate code for running the simulation on the GPU, and for I/O convenience functions between GPU and CPU space. Part of the code generation section
 global.hGlobal header file containing a few global variables. Part of the code generation section
 HHVClamp.ccThis file contains the model definition of HHVClamp model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code. The HHVClamp model implements a population of unconnected Hodgkin-Huxley neurons that evolve to mimick a model run on the CPU, using genetic algorithm techniques
 hr_time.ccThis file contains the implementation of the CStopWatch class that provides a simple timing tool based on the system clock
 hr_time.hThis header file contains the definition of the CStopWatch class that implements a simple timing tool using the system clock
 isaac.ccHeader file and implementation of the ISAAC random number generator
 MBody1_project/model/map_classol.ccImplementation of the classol class
 MBody_delayedSyn_project/model/map_classol.ccImplementation of the classol class
 MBody_individualID_project/model/map_classol.ccImplementation of the classol class
 MBody_userdef_project/model/map_classol.ccImplementation of the classol class
 MBody1_project/model/map_classol.hHeader file containing the class definition for classol (CLASSification OLfaction model), which contains the methods for setting up, initialising, simulating and saving results of a model of the insect mushroom body
 MBody_delayedSyn_project/model/map_classol.hHeader file containing the class definition for classol (CLASSification OLfaction model), which contains the methods for setting up, initialising, simulating and saving results of a model of the insect mushroom body
 MBody_individualID_project/model/map_classol.hHeader file containing the class definition for classol (CLASSification OLfaction model), which contains the methods for setting up, initialising, simulating and saving results of a model of the insect mushroom body
 MBody_userdef_project/model/map_classol.hHeader file containing the class definition for classol (CLASSification OLfaction model), which contains the methods for setting up, initialising, simulating and saving results of a model of the insect mushroom body
 HHVclampGA_project/model/MBody1.ccThis file contains the model definition of the mushroom body "MBody1" model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code (class classol, file classol_sim)
 MBody1_project/model/MBody1.ccThis file contains the model definition of the mushroom body "MBody1" model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code (class classol, file classol_sim)
 MBody_delayedSyn.ccThis file contains the model definition of the mushroom body "MBody_delayedSyn" model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code (class classol, file classol_sim)
 MBody_individualID.ccThis file contains the model definition of the mushroom body "MBody_incividualID" model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code (class classol, file classol_sim). It uses INDIVIDUALID for the connections from AL to MB allowing quite large numbers of PN and KC
 MBody_userdef.ccThis file contains the model definition of the mushroom body model. tis used in the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code (class classol, file classol_sim)
 modelSpec.hHeader file that contains the class (struct) definition of neuronModel for defining a neuron model and the class definition of NNmodel for defining a neuronal network model. Part of the code generation and generated code sections
 randomGen.ccContains the implementation of the ISAAC random number generator class for uniformly distributed random numbers and for a standard random number generator based on the C function rand()
 randomGen.hHeader file containing the class definition for a uniform random generator based on the ISAAC random number generator
 Schmuker2014_classifier.hHeader file containing the class definition for the Schmuker2014 classifier, which contains the methods for setting up, initialising, simulating and saving results of a multivariate classifier imspired by the insect olfactory system. See "A neuromorphic network for generic multivariate data classification, Michael Schmuker, Thomas Pfeilc, and Martin Paul Nawrota, 2014"
 utils.hThis file contains standard utility functions provide within the NVIDIA CUDA software development toolkit (SDK). The remainder of the file contains a function that defines the standard neuron models
 VClampGA.ccMain entry point for the GeNN project demonstrating realtime fitting of a neuron with a GA running mostly on the GPU
 VClampGA.hHeader file containing global variables and macros used in running the HHVClamp/VClampGA model