CAnalogueRecorder< T > | |
►CCodeGenerator::BackendBase | |
►CCodeGenerator::BackendSIMT | Base class for Single Instruction Multiple Thread style backends |
CCodeGenerator::CUDA::Backend | |
CCodeGenerator::OpenCL::Backend | |
CCodeGenerator::SingleThreadedCPU::Backend | |
►CSnippet::Base | Base class for all code snippets |
►CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Base | |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Conv2D | |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::FixedNumberPostWithReplacement | Initialises connectivity with a fixed number of random synapses per row |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::FixedNumberPreWithReplacement | Initialises connectivity with a fixed number of random synapses per column |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::FixedNumberTotalWithReplacement | |
►CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::FixedProbabilityBase | |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::FixedProbability | |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::FixedProbabilityNoAutapse | |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::OneToOne | Initialises connectivity to a 'one-to-one' diagonal matrix |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Uninitialised | Used to mark connectivity as uninitialised - no initialisation code will be run |
►CInitToeplitzConnectivitySnippet::Base | |
CInitToeplitzConnectivitySnippet::AvgPoolConv2D | |
CInitToeplitzConnectivitySnippet::Conv2D | |
CInitToeplitzConnectivitySnippet::Uninitialised | Used to mark connectivity as uninitialised - no initialisation code will be run |
►CInitVarSnippet::Base | |
CInitVarSnippet::Binomial | Initialises variable by sampling from the binomial distribution |
CInitVarSnippet::Constant | Initialises variable to a constant value |
CInitVarSnippet::Exponential | Initialises variable by sampling from the exponential distribution |
CInitVarSnippet::Gamma | Initialises variable by sampling from the gamma distribution |
CInitVarSnippet::Kernel | Used to initialise synapse variables from a kernel |
CInitVarSnippet::Normal | Initialises variable by sampling from the normal distribution |
CInitVarSnippet::NormalClipped | |
CInitVarSnippet::NormalClippedDelay | |
CInitVarSnippet::Uniform | Initialises variable by sampling from the uniform distribution |
CInitVarSnippet::Uninitialised | Used to mark variables as uninitialised - no initialisation code will be run |
►CModels::Base | |
►CCurrentSourceModels::Base | Base class for all current source models |
CCurrentSourceModels::DC | DC source |
CCurrentSourceModels::GaussianNoise | Noisy current source with noise drawn from normal distribution |
CCurrentSourceModels::PoissonExp | |
►CCustomUpdateModels::Base | Base class for all current source models |
CCustomUpdateModels::Transpose | Minimal custom update model for calculating tranpose |
►CNeuronModels::Base | Base class for all neuron models |
►CNeuronModels::Izhikevich | Izhikevich neuron with fixed parameters [1] |
CNeuronModels::IzhikevichVariable | Izhikevich neuron with variable parameters [1] |
CNeuronModels::LIF | |
CNeuronModels::Poisson | Poisson neurons |
CNeuronModels::PoissonNew | Poisson neurons |
CNeuronModels::RulkovMap | Rulkov Map neuron |
CNeuronModels::SpikeSource | Empty neuron which allows setting spikes from external sources |
CNeuronModels::SpikeSourceArray | Spike source array |
►CNeuronModels::TraubMiles | Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm |
CNeuronModels::TraubMilesAlt | Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm |
CNeuronModels::TraubMilesFast | Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm: Original fast implementation, using 25 inner iterations |
CNeuronModels::TraubMilesNStep | Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm |
►CPostsynapticModels::Base | Base class for all postsynaptic models |
CPostsynapticModels::DeltaCurr | Simple delta current synapse |
CPostsynapticModels::ExpCond | Exponential decay with synaptic input treated as a conductance value |
CPostsynapticModels::ExpCurr | Exponential decay with synaptic input treated as a current value |
►CWeightUpdateModels::Base | Base class for all weight update models |
CWeightUpdateModels::PiecewiseSTDP | This is a simple STDP rule including a time delay for the finite transmission speed of the synapse |
CWeightUpdateModels::StaticGraded | Graded-potential, static synapse |
CWeightUpdateModels::StaticPulse | Pulse-coupled, static synapse |
CWeightUpdateModels::StaticPulseDendriticDelay | Pulse-coupled, static synapse with heterogenous dendritic delays |
►CSpineMLSimulator::Input::Base | |
CSpineMLSimulator::Input::Analogue | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::Input::SpikeBase | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::Input::InterSpikeIntervalBase | |
CSpineMLSimulator::Input::PoissonSpikeRate | |
CSpineMLSimulator::Input::RegularSpikeRate | |
CSpineMLSimulator::Input::SpikeTime | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::Base | |
CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::ConstantArray | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::External | |
CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::ExternalNetwork | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::ScalarBase | |
CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::Constant | |
CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::TimeVarying | |
CSpineMLSimulator::InputValue::TimeVaryingArray | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::LogOutput::Base | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::LogOutput::AnalogueBase | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::LogOutput::AnalogueExternal | |
CSpineMLSimulator::LogOutput::AnalogueNetwork | |
CSpineMLSimulator::LogOutput::AnalogueFile | |
CSpineMLSimulator::LogOutput::Event | |
►CSpineMLSimulator::ModelProperty::Base | |
CSpineMLSimulator::ModelProperty::ExponentialDistribution | |
CSpineMLSimulator::ModelProperty::Fixed | |
CSpineMLSimulator::ModelProperty::NormalDistribution | |
CSpineMLSimulator::ModelProperty::UniformDistribution | |
CSpineMLSimulator::ModelProperty::ValueList | |
►CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateStrategySIMT::Base | |
CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateStrategySIMT::PostSpan | Postsynaptic parallelism |
CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateStrategySIMT::PostSpanBitmask | Postsynaptic parallelism |
CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateStrategySIMT::PostSpanToeplitz | Postsynaptic parallelism for Toeplitz connectivity |
CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateStrategySIMT::PreSpan | Presynaptic parallelism |
CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateStrategySIMT::PreSpanProcedural | Presynaptic parallelism with procedural connectivity |
CCodeGenerator::CodeStream::CB | A close bracket marker |
CclrngLfsr113Stream_ | |
CclrngLfsr113StreamCreator_ | |
CclrngLfsr113StreamState | |
CclrngPhilox432Counter_ | |
CclrngPhilox432SB_ | |
CclrngPhilox432Stream_ | |
CclrngPhilox432StreamCreator_ | |
CclrngPhilox432StreamState | |
►CCurrentSource | |
CCurrentSourceInternal | |
►CCustomUpdateBase | |
►CCustomUpdate | |
CCustomUpdateInternal | |
►CCustomUpdateWU | |
CCustomUpdateWUInternal | |
CSnippet::Base::DerivedParam | A derived parameter has a name and a function for obtaining its value |
CSnippet::Base::EGP | An extra global parameter has a name and a type |
►CCodeGenerator::ModelSpecMerged::EGPField | Immutable structure for tracking fields of merged group structure containing EGPs |
CCodeGenerator::ModelSpecMerged::MergedEGP | Immutable structure for tracking where an extra global variable ends up after merging |
CModels::Base::EGPRef | |
CModels::EGPReference | |
CCodeGenerator::Substitutions::FunctionTemplate | |
CGenerateRunBase | |
►CCodeGenerator::GroupMerged< G > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateHostReductionGroupMergedBase< G > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateInitGroupMergedBase< G > | |
►CCodeGenerator::GroupMerged< CustomUpdateInternal > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateHostReductionGroupMergedBase< CustomUpdateInternal > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateHostReductionGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateInitGroupMergedBase< CustomUpdateInternal > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateInitGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::GroupMerged< CustomUpdateWUInternal > | |
►CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateWUGroupMergedBase | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateTransposeWUGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateWUGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateHostReductionGroupMergedBase< CustomUpdateWUInternal > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomWUUpdateHostReductionGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::CustomUpdateInitGroupMergedBase< CustomUpdateWUInternal > | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomWUUpdateInitGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::CustomWUUpdateSparseInitGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::GroupMerged< NeuronGroupInternal > | |
►CCodeGenerator::NeuronGroupMergedBase | |
CCodeGenerator::NeuronInitGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::NeuronUpdateGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::NeuronPrevSpikeTimeUpdateGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::NeuronSpikeQueueUpdateGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::GroupMerged< SynapseGroupInternal > | |
CCodeGenerator::SynapseConnectivityHostInitGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::SynapseDendriticDelayUpdateGroupMerged | |
►CCodeGenerator::SynapseGroupMergedBase | |
CCodeGenerator::PostsynapticUpdateGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::PresynapticUpdateGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::SynapseConnectivityInitGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::SynapseDynamicsGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::SynapseInitGroupMerged | |
CCodeGenerator::SynapseSparseInitGroupMerged | |
CSnippet::Init< SnippetBase > | |
►CSnippet::Init< InitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Base > | |
CInitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Init | |
►CSnippet::Init< InitToeplitzConnectivitySnippet::Base > | |
CInitToeplitzConnectivitySnippet::Init | |
►CSnippet::Init< InitVarSnippet::Base > | |
CModels::VarInit | |
CSnippet::InitialiserContainerBase< V, NumVars > | |
CSnippet::InitialiserContainerBase< V, 0 > | |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::ostream | STL class |
CCodeGenerator::CodeStream | |
CCodeGenerator::TeeStream | |
CCodeGenerator::MemAlloc | |
►CModelSpec | Object used for specifying a neuronal network model |
CModelSpecInternal | |
CCodeGenerator::ModelSpecMerged | |
CSpineMLSimulator::NetworkClient | |
►CNeuronGroup | |
CNeuronGroupInternal | |
CCodeGenerator::CodeStream::OB | An open bracket marker |
►Cobject | |
►Cpygenn.genn_groups.Group | Parent class of NeuronGroup, SynapseGroup and CurrentSource |
Cpygenn.genn_groups.CurrentSource | Class representing a current injection into a group of neurons |
Cpygenn.genn_groups.CustomUpdate | Class representing a custom update |
Cpygenn.genn_groups.NeuronGroup | Class representing a group of neurons |
Cpygenn.genn_groups.SynapseGroup | Class representing synaptic connection between two groups of neurons |
Cpygenn.genn_model.GeNNModel | GeNNModel class This class helps to define, build and run a GeNN model from python |
Cpygenn.model_preprocessor.ExtraGlobalParameter | Class holding information about GeNN extra global paramete |
Cpygenn.model_preprocessor.Variable | Class holding information about GeNN variables |
CSnippet::Base::ParamVal | Additional input variables, row state variables and other things have a name, a type and an initial value |
►CCodeGenerator::PreferencesBase | Base class for backend preferences - can be accessed via a global in 'classic' C++ code generator |
CCodeGenerator::CUDA::Preferences | Preferences for CUDA backend |
CCodeGenerator::OpenCL::Preferences | Preferences for OpenCL backend |
CCodeGenerator::SingleThreadedCPU::Preferences | |
CCodeGenerator::BackendBase::ReductionTarget | Simple struct to hold reduction targets |
CCodeGenerator::CodeStream::Scope | |
CUtils::SHA1Hash | Functor for generating a hash suitable for use in std::unordered_map etc (i.e. size_t size) from a SHA1 digests |
CSharedLibraryModel< scalar > | |
CSpineMLSimulator::Simulator | |
CNeuronGroup::SpikeEventThreshold | Structure used for storing spike event data |
CSpikeWriterText | Class to write spikes to text file |
CSpikeWriterTextCached | Class to write spikes to text file, caching in memory before writing |
CSpineMLSimulator::StateVar< T > | |
CSpineMLSimulator::StateVar< scalar > | |
►Cstreambuf | |
CCodeGenerator::TeeBuf | |
CCodeGenerator::Substitutions | |
CCodeGenerator::SupportCodeMerged | |
►CSynapseGroup | |
CSynapseGroupInternal | |
CTimer | A generic timer which can give the current elapsed time |
CSpineMLSimulator::Timer | |
CSpineMLSimulator::TimerAccumulate | |
CTimerAccumulate | A timer which adds its elapsed time to an accumulator variable on destruction |
CModels::Base::Var | A variable has a name, a type and an access type |
CModels::Base::VarRef | |
►CModels::VarReferenceBase | |
CModels::VarReference | |
CModels::WUVarReference | |
►CWriter | |
CSpikeRecorder< Writer > | Class to read spikes from neuron groups |