GeNN  2.2.3
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
model Directory Reference


file  helper.h [code]
 This file contains the model definition of HHVClamp model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code. The HHVClamp model implements a population of unconnected Hodgkin-Huxley neurons that evolve to mimick a model run on the CPU, using genetic algorithm techniques.
file  HHVClampParameters.h [code]
file  HHVclampGA_project/model/
 This file contains the model definition of the mushroom body "MBody1" model. It is used in both the GeNN code generation and the user side simulation code (class classol, file classol_sim).
 Main entry point for the GeNN project demonstrating realtime fitting of a neuron with a GA running mostly on the GPU.
file  VClampGA.h [code]
 Header file containing global variables and macros used in running the HHVClamp/VClampGA model.