GeNN  2.2.3
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
include Directory Reference


file  command_line_processing.h [code]
 This file contains some tools for parsing the argv array which contains the command line options.
 Contains the implementation of the Gaussian random number generator class randomGauss.
file  gauss.h [code]
 Random number generator for Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
file  GeNNHelperKrnls.h [code]
 Header file and implementation of the ISAAC random number generator.
file  parse_options.h [code]
 Contains the implementation of the ISAAC random number generator class for uniformly distributed random numbers and for a standard random number generator based on the C function rand().
file  randomGen.h [code]
 header file containing the class definition for a uniform random generator based on the ISAAC random number generator