PyGeNN implementation of local cortical microcircuit model
This example model is a reimplementation of the microcircuit model developed by Tobias C. Potjans and Markus Diesmann [Potjans2014]. It is a full-scale spiking network model of the local cortical microcircuit. The simulated spontaneous activity is asynchronous irregular and cell-type specific firing rates are in agreement with in vivo recordings in awake animals, including the low rate of layer 2/3 excitatory cells. This example can be used as follows:
[ ]:
import numpy as np
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pygenn import (GeNNModel, VarLocation, init_postsynaptic,
init_sparse_connectivity, init_weight_update, init_var)
from scipy.stats import norm
from time import perf_counter
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Layer names
LAYER_NAMES = ["23", "4", "5", "6"]
# Population names
# Simulation timestep [ms]
DT_MS = 0.1
# How many threads to use per spike for procedural connectivity?
# Background rate per synapse
BACKGROUND_RATE = 8.0 # spikes/s
# Relative inhibitory synaptic weight
G = -4.0
# Mean synaptic weight for all excitatory projections except L4e->L2/3e
MEAN_W = 87.8e-3 # nA
EXTERNAL_W = 87.8e-3 # nA
# Mean synaptic weight for L4e->L2/3e connections
# See p. 801 of the paper, second paragraph under 'Model Parameterization',
# and the caption to Supplementary Fig. 7
LAYER_23_4_W = 2.0 * MEAN_W # nA
# Standard deviation of weight distribution relative to mean for
# all projections except L4e->L2/3e
REL_W = 0.1
# Standard deviation of weight distribution relative to mean for L4e->L2/3e
# This value is not mentioned in the paper, but is chosen to match the
# original code by Tobias Potjans
LAYER_23_4_RELW = 0.05
# Numbers of neurons in full-scale model
"23": {"E":20683, "I": 5834},
"4": {"E":21915, "I": 5479},
"5": {"E":4850, "I": 1065},
"6": {"E":14395, "I": 2948}}
# Probabilities for >=1 connection between neurons in the given populations.
# The first index is for the target population; the second for the source population
"23E": {"23E": 0.1009, "23I": 0.1689, "4E": 0.0437, "4I": 0.0818, "5E": 0.0323, "5I": 0.0, "6E": 0.0076, "6I": 0.0},
"23I": {"23E": 0.1346, "23I": 0.1371, "4E": 0.0316, "4I": 0.0515, "5E": 0.0755, "5I": 0.0, "6E": 0.0042, "6I": 0.0},
"4E": {"23E": 0.0077, "23I": 0.0059, "4E": 0.0497, "4I": 0.135, "5E": 0.0067, "5I": 0.0003, "6E": 0.0453, "6I": 0.0},
"4I": {"23E": 0.0691, "23I": 0.0029, "4E": 0.0794, "4I": 0.1597, "5E": 0.0033, "5I": 0.0, "6E": 0.1057, "6I": 0.0},
"5E": {"23E": 0.1004, "23I": 0.0622, "4E": 0.0505, "4I": 0.0057, "5E": 0.0831, "5I": 0.3726, "6E": 0.0204, "6I": 0.0},
"5I": {"23E": 0.0548, "23I": 0.0269, "4E": 0.0257, "4I": 0.0022, "5E": 0.06, "5I": 0.3158, "6E": 0.0086, "6I": 0.0},
"6E": {"23E": 0.0156, "23I": 0.0066, "4E": 0.0211, "4I": 0.0166, "5E": 0.0572, "5I": 0.0197, "6E": 0.0396, "6I": 0.2252},
"6I": {"23E": 0.0364, "23I": 0.001, "4E": 0.0034, "4I": 0.0005, "5E": 0.0277, "5I": 0.008, "6E": 0.0658, "6I": 0.1443}}
# In-degrees for external inputs
"23": {"E": 1600, "I": 1500},
"4": {"E": 2100, "I": 1900},
"5": {"E": 2000, "I": 1900},
"6": {"E": 2900, "I": 2100}}
# Mean rates in the full-scale model, necessary for scaling
# Precise values differ somewhat between network realizations
"23": {"E": 0.971, "I": 2.868},
"4": {"E": 4.746, "I": 5.396},
"5": {"E": 8.142, "I": 9.078},
"6": {"E": 0.991, "I": 7.523}}
# Means and standard deviations of delays from given source populations (ms)
MEAN_DELAY = {"E": 1.5, "I": 0.75}
DELAY_SD = {"E": 0.75, "I": 0.375}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_scaled_num_neurons(layer, pop, neuron_scale):
return int(round(neuron_scale * NUM_NEURONS[layer][pop]))
def get_full_num_inputs(src_layer, src_pop, trg_layer, trg_pop):
num_src = NUM_NEURONS[src_layer][src_pop]
num_trg = NUM_NEURONS[trg_layer][trg_pop]
connection_prob = CONNECTION_PROBABILTIES[trg_layer + trg_pop][src_layer + src_pop]
return int(round(np.log(1.0 - connection_prob) / np.log(float(num_trg * num_src - 1) / float(num_trg * num_src))) / num_trg)
def get_mean_weight(src_layer, src_pop, trg_layer, trg_pop):
# Determine mean weight
if src_pop == "E":
if src_layer == "4" and trg_layer == "23" and trg_pop == "E":
return LAYER_23_4_W
return MEAN_W
return G * MEAN_W
def get_scaled_num_connections(src_layer, src_pop, trg_layer, trg_pop,
neuron_scale, connectivity_scale):
# Scale full number of inputs by scaling factor
num_inputs = get_full_num_inputs(src_layer, src_pop, trg_layer, trg_pop) * connectivity_scale
assert num_inputs >= 0.0
# Multiply this by number of postsynaptic neurons
num_neurons = get_scaled_num_neurons(trg_layer, trg_pop, neuron_scale)
return int(round(num_inputs * float(num_neurons)))
def get_full_mean_input_current(layer, pop):
# Loop through source populations
mean_input_current = 0.0
for src_layer in LAYER_NAMES:
for src_pop in POPULATION_NAMES:
mean_input_current += (get_mean_weight(src_layer, src_pop, layer, pop) *
get_full_num_inputs(src_layer, src_pop, layer, pop) *
# Add mean external input current
mean_input_current += EXTERNAL_W * NUM_EXTERNAL_INPUTS[layer][pop] * BACKGROUND_RATE
assert mean_input_current >= 0.0
return mean_input_current
def get_parser():
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--duration", type=float, default=1000.0, help="Duration to simulate (ms)")
parser.add_argument("--neuron-scale", type=float, default=1.0, help="Scaling factor to apply to number of neurons")
parser.add_argument("--connectivity-scale", type=float, default=1.0, help="Scaling factor to apply to number of neurons")
parser.add_argument("--kernel-profiling", action="store_true", help="Output kernel profiling data")
parser.add_argument("--procedural-connectivity", action="store_true", help="Use procedural connectivity")
parser.add_argument("--save-data", action="store_true", help="Save spike data (rather than plotting it)")
return parser
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Entry point
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = get_parser().parse_args()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Network creation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
model = GeNNModel("float", "potjans_microcircuit")
model.dt = DT_MS
model.fuse_postsynaptic_models = True
model.default_narrow_sparse_ind_enabled = True
model.timing_enabled = args.kernel_profiling
model.default_var_location = VarLocation.DEVICE
model.default_sparse_connectivity_location = VarLocation.DEVICE
lif_init = {"V": init_var("Normal", {"mean": -58.0, "sd": 5.0}), "RefracTime": 0.0}
poisson_init = {"current": 0.0}
exp_curr_init = init_postsynaptic("ExpCurr", {"tau": 0.5})
quantile = 0.9999
normal_quantile_cdf = norm.ppf(quantile)
max_delay = {pop: MEAN_DELAY[pop] + (DELAY_SD[pop] * normal_quantile_cdf)
print("Max excitatory delay:%fms , max inhibitory delay:%fms" % (max_delay["E"], max_delay["I"]))
# Calculate maximum dendritic delay slots
# **NOTE** it seems inefficient using maximum for all but this allows more aggressive merging of postsynaptic models
max_dendritic_delay_slots = int(round(max(max_delay.values()) / DT_MS))
print("Max dendritic delay slots:%d" % max_dendritic_delay_slots)
print("Creating neuron populations:")
total_neurons = 0
neuron_populations = {}
for layer in LAYER_NAMES:
pop_name = layer + pop
# Calculate external input rate, weight and current
ext_input_rate = NUM_EXTERNAL_INPUTS[layer][pop] * args.connectivity_scale * BACKGROUND_RATE
ext_weight = EXTERNAL_W / np.sqrt(args.connectivity_scale)
ext_input_current = 0.001 * 0.5 * (1.0 - np.sqrt(args.connectivity_scale)) * get_full_mean_input_current(layer, pop)
assert ext_input_current >= 0.0
lif_params = {"C": 0.25, "TauM": 10.0, "Vrest": -65.0, "Vreset": -65.0, "Vthresh" : -50.0,
"Ioffset": ext_input_current, "TauRefrac": 2.0}
poisson_params = {"weight": ext_weight, "tauSyn": 0.5, "rate": ext_input_rate}
pop_size = get_scaled_num_neurons(layer, pop, args.neuron_scale)
neuron_pop = model.add_neuron_population(pop_name, pop_size, "LIF", lif_params, lif_init)
model.add_current_source(pop_name + "_poisson", "PoissonExp", neuron_pop, poisson_params, poisson_init)
# Enable spike recording
neuron_pop.spike_recording_enabled = True
print("\tPopulation %s: num neurons:%u, external input rate:%f, external weight:%f, external DC offset:%f" % (pop_name, pop_size, ext_input_rate, ext_weight, ext_input_current))
# Add number of neurons to total
total_neurons += pop_size
# Add neuron population to dictionary
neuron_populations[pop_name] = neuron_pop
# Loop through target populations and layers
print("Creating synapse populations:")
total_synapses = 0
num_sub_rows = NUM_THREADS_PER_SPIKE if args.procedural_connectivity else 1
for trg_layer in LAYER_NAMES:
for trg_pop in POPULATION_NAMES:
trg_name = trg_layer + trg_pop
# Loop through source populations and layers
for src_layer in LAYER_NAMES:
for src_pop in POPULATION_NAMES:
src_name = src_layer + src_pop
# Determine mean weight
mean_weight = get_mean_weight(src_layer, src_pop, trg_layer, trg_pop) / np.sqrt(args.connectivity_scale)
# Determine weight standard deviation
if src_pop == "E" and src_layer == "4" and trg_layer == "23" and trg_pop == "E":
weight_sd = mean_weight * LAYER_23_4_RELW
weight_sd = abs(mean_weight * REL_W)
# Calculate number of connections
num_connections = get_scaled_num_connections(src_layer, src_pop,
trg_layer, trg_pop,
args.neuron_scale, args.connectivity_scale)
if num_connections > 0:
print("\tConnection between '%s' and '%s': numConnections=%u, meanWeight=%f, weightSD=%f, meanDelay=%f, delaySD=%f"
% (src_name, trg_name, num_connections, mean_weight, weight_sd, MEAN_DELAY[src_pop], DELAY_SD[src_pop]))
# Build parameters for fixed number total connector
connect_params = {"num": num_connections}
# Build distribution for delay parameters
d_dist = {"mean": MEAN_DELAY[src_pop], "sd": DELAY_SD[src_pop], "min": 0.0, "max": max_delay[src_pop]}
total_synapses += num_connections
# Build unique synapse name
synapse_name = src_name + "_" + trg_name
matrix_type = "PROCEDURAL" if args.procedural_connectivity else "SPARSE"
# Excitatory
if src_pop == "E":
# Build distribution for weight parameters
# **HACK** np.float32 doesn't seem to automatically cast
w_dist = {"mean": mean_weight, "sd": weight_sd, "min": 0.0, "max": float(np.finfo(np.float32).max)}
# Create weight parameters
static_synapse_init = init_weight_update("StaticPulseDendriticDelay", {},
{"g": init_var("NormalClipped", w_dist),
"d": init_var("NormalClippedDelay", d_dist)})
# Add synapse population
syn_pop = model.add_synapse_population(synapse_name, matrix_type,
neuron_populations[src_name], neuron_populations[trg_name],
static_synapse_init, exp_curr_init,
init_sparse_connectivity("FixedNumberTotalWithReplacement", connect_params))
# Set max dendritic delay and span type
syn_pop.max_dendritic_delay_timesteps = max_dendritic_delay_slots
if args.procedural_connectivity:
syn_pop.num_threads_per_spike = NUM_THREADS_PER_SPIKE
# Inhibitory
# Build distribution for weight parameters
# **HACK** np.float32 doesn't seem to automatically cast
w_dist = {"mean": mean_weight, "sd": weight_sd, "min": float(-np.finfo(np.float32).max), "max": 0.0}
# Create weight parameters
static_synapse_init = init_weight_update("StaticPulseDendriticDelay", {},
{"g": init_var("NormalClipped", w_dist),
"d": init_var("NormalClippedDelay", d_dist)})
# Add synapse population
syn_pop = model.add_synapse_population(synapse_name, matrix_type,
neuron_populations[src_name], neuron_populations[trg_name],
static_synapse_init, exp_curr_init,
init_sparse_connectivity("FixedNumberTotalWithReplacement", connect_params))
# Set max dendritic delay and span type
syn_pop.max_dendritic_delay_timesteps = max_dendritic_delay_slots
if args.procedural_connectivity:
syn_pop.num_threads_per_spike = NUM_THREADS_PER_SPIKE
print("Total neurons=%u, total synapses=%u" % (total_neurons, total_synapses))
print("Building Model")
print("Loading Model")
duration_timesteps = int(round(args.duration / DT_MS))
ten_percent_timestep = duration_timesteps // 10
# Loop through timesteps
sim_start_time = perf_counter()
while model.t < args.duration:
# Advance simulation
# Indicate every 10%
if (model.timestep % ten_percent_timestep) == 0:
print("%u%%" % (model.timestep / 100))
sim_end_time = perf_counter()
# Download recording data
print("\tSimulation:%f" % ((sim_end_time - sim_start_time) * 1000.0))
if args.kernel_profiling:
print("\tInit:%f" % (1000.0 * model.init_time))
print("\tSparse init:%f" % (1000.0 * model.init_sparse_time))
print("\tNeuron simulation:%f" % (1000.0 * model.neuron_update_time))
print("\tSynapse simulation:%f" % (1000.0 * model.presynaptic_update_time))
if args.save_data:
# Loop through populations and write spike data to CSV
for n, pop in neuron_populations.items():
np.savetxt(f"{n}_spikes.csv", np.column_stack(pop.spike_recording_data[0]),
delimiter=",", fmt=("%f", "%d"), header="Times [ms], Neuron ID")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create plot
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
# **YUCK** re-order neuron populations for plotting
ordered_neuron_populations = list(reversed(list(neuron_populations.values())))
start_id = 0
bar_y = 0.0
for pop in ordered_neuron_populations:
# Get recording data
spike_times, spike_ids = pop.spike_recording_data[0]
# Plot spikes
actor = axes[0].scatter(spike_times, spike_ids + start_id, s=2, edgecolors="none")
# Plot bar showing rate in matching colour
axes[1].barh(bar_y, len(spike_times) / (float(pop.num_neurons) * args.duration / 1000.0),
align="center", color=actor.get_facecolor(), ecolor="black")
# Update offset
start_id += pop.num_neurons
# Update bar pos
bar_y += 1.0
axes[0].set_xlabel("Time [ms]")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Neuron number")
axes[1].set_xlabel("Mean firingrate [Hz]")
axes[1].set_yticks(np.arange(0.0, len(neuron_populations), 1.0))
axes[1].set_yticklabels([ for n in ordered_neuron_populations])
# Show plot