GeNN  4.9.0
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
genn Directory Reference


directory  code_generator


file  backendExport.h [code]
file  binomial.h [code]
file  currentSource.h [code]
file  currentSourceInternal.h [code]
file  currentSourceModels.h [code]
file  customUpdate.h [code]
file  customUpdateInternal.h [code]
file  customUpdateModels.h [code]
file  gennExport.h [code]
file  gennUtils.h [code]
file  initSparseConnectivitySnippet.h [code]
file  initToeplitzConnectivitySnippet.h [code]
file  initVarSnippet.h [code]
file  logging.h [code]
file  models.h [code]
file  modelSpec.h [code]
 Header file that contains the class (struct) definition of neuronModel for defining a neuron model and the class definition of ModelSpec for defining a neuronal network model. Part of the code generation and generated code sections.
file  modelSpecInternal.h [code]
file  neuronGroup.h [code]
file  neuronGroupInternal.h [code]
file  neuronModels.h [code]
file  postsynapticModels.h [code]
file  snippet.h [code]
file  synapseGroup.h [code]
file  synapseGroupInternal.h [code]
file  synapseMatrixType.h [code]
file  varAccess.h [code]
file  variableMode.h [code]
file  weightUpdateModels.h [code]