GeNN  3.3.0
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
GENN_PREFERENCES Namespace Reference


bool optimiseBlockSize = true
 Flag for signalling whether or not block size optimisation should be performed. More...
bool autoChooseDevice = true
 Flag to signal whether the GPU device should be chosen automatically. More...
bool optimizeCode = false
 Request speed-optimized code, at the expense of floating-point accuracy. More...
bool debugCode = false
 Request debug data to be embedded in the generated code. More...
bool showPtxInfo = false
 Request that PTX assembler information be displayed for each CUDA kernel during compilation. More...
bool buildSharedLibrary = false
 Should generated code and Makefile build into a shared library e.g. for use in SpineML simulator. More...
bool autoInitSparseVars = false
 Previously, variables associated with sparse synapse populations were not automatically initialised. If this flag is set this now occurs in the initMODEL_NAME function and copyStateToDevice is deferred until here. More...
bool mergePostsynapticModels = false
 Should compatible postsynaptic models and dendritic delay buffers be merged? This can significantly reduce the cost of updating neuron population but means that per-synapse group inSyn arrays can not be retrieved. More...
VarMode defaultVarMode = VarMode::LOC_HOST_DEVICE_INIT_HOST
 What is the default behaviour for model state variables? Historically, everything was allocated on both host AND device and initialised on HOST. More...
VarMode defaultSparseConnectivityMode = VarMode::LOC_HOST_DEVICE_INIT_HOST
double asGoodAsZero = 1e-19
 What is the default behaviour for sparse synaptic connectivity? Historically, everything was allocated on both the host AND device and initialised on HOST. More...
int defaultDevice = 0
unsigned int preSynapseResetBlockSize = 32
 default GPU device; used to determine which GPU to use if chooseDevice is 0 (off) More...
unsigned int neuronBlockSize = 32
unsigned int synapseBlockSize = 32
unsigned int learningBlockSize = 32
unsigned int synapseDynamicsBlockSize = 32
unsigned int initBlockSize = 32
unsigned int initSparseBlockSize = 32
unsigned int autoRefractory = 1
 Flag for signalling whether spikes are only reported if thresholdCondition changes from false to true (autoRefractory == 1) or spikes are emitted whenever thresholdCondition is true no matter what.%. More...
std::string userCxxFlagsWIN = ""
 Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for windows platforms) More...
std::string userCxxFlagsGNU = ""
 Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for unix based platforms) More...
std::string userNvccFlags = ""
 Allows users to set specific nvcc compiler options they may want to use for all GPU code (identical for windows and unix platforms) More...

Variable Documentation

◆ asGoodAsZero

double GENN_PREFERENCES::asGoodAsZero = 1e-19

What is the default behaviour for sparse synaptic connectivity? Historically, everything was allocated on both the host AND device and initialised on HOST.

Global variable that is used when detecting close to zero values, for example when setting sparse connectivity from a dense matrix

◆ autoChooseDevice

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::autoChooseDevice = true

Flag to signal whether the GPU device should be chosen automatically.

◆ autoInitSparseVars

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::autoInitSparseVars = false

Previously, variables associated with sparse synapse populations were not automatically initialised. If this flag is set this now occurs in the initMODEL_NAME function and copyStateToDevice is deferred until here.

◆ autoRefractory

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::autoRefractory = 1

Flag for signalling whether spikes are only reported if thresholdCondition changes from false to true (autoRefractory == 1) or spikes are emitted whenever thresholdCondition is true no matter what.%.

Flag for signalling whether spikes are only reported if thresholdCondition changes from false to true (autoRefractory == 1) or spikes are emitted whenever thresholdCondition is true no matter what.

◆ buildSharedLibrary

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::buildSharedLibrary = false

Should generated code and Makefile build into a shared library e.g. for use in SpineML simulator.

◆ debugCode

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::debugCode = false

Request debug data to be embedded in the generated code.

◆ defaultDevice

int GENN_PREFERENCES::defaultDevice = 0

◆ defaultSparseConnectivityMode

VarMode GENN_PREFERENCES::defaultSparseConnectivityMode = VarMode::LOC_HOST_DEVICE_INIT_HOST

◆ defaultVarMode


What is the default behaviour for model state variables? Historically, everything was allocated on both host AND device and initialised on HOST.

◆ initBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::initBlockSize = 32

◆ initSparseBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::initSparseBlockSize = 32

◆ learningBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::learningBlockSize = 32

◆ mergePostsynapticModels

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::mergePostsynapticModels = false

Should compatible postsynaptic models and dendritic delay buffers be merged? This can significantly reduce the cost of updating neuron population but means that per-synapse group inSyn arrays can not be retrieved.

◆ neuronBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::neuronBlockSize = 32

◆ optimiseBlockSize

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::optimiseBlockSize = true

Flag for signalling whether or not block size optimisation should be performed.

◆ optimizeCode

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::optimizeCode = false

Request speed-optimized code, at the expense of floating-point accuracy.

◆ preSynapseResetBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::preSynapseResetBlockSize = 32

default GPU device; used to determine which GPU to use if chooseDevice is 0 (off)

◆ showPtxInfo

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::showPtxInfo = false

Request that PTX assembler information be displayed for each CUDA kernel during compilation.

◆ synapseBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::synapseBlockSize = 32

◆ synapseDynamicsBlockSize

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::synapseDynamicsBlockSize = 32

◆ userCxxFlagsGNU

std::string GENN_PREFERENCES::userCxxFlagsGNU = ""

Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for unix based platforms)

◆ userCxxFlagsWIN

std::string GENN_PREFERENCES::userCxxFlagsWIN = ""

Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for windows platforms)

◆ userNvccFlags

std::string GENN_PREFERENCES::userNvccFlags = ""

Allows users to set specific nvcc compiler options they may want to use for all GPU code (identical for windows and unix platforms)