GeNN  2.2.3
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
GENN_PREFERENCES Namespace Reference


int optimiseBlockSize = 1
 Flag for signalling whether or not block size optimisation should be performed. More...
int autoChooseDevice = 1
 Flag to signal whether the GPU device should be chosen automatically. More...
bool optimizeCode = false
 Request speed-optimized code, at the expense of floating-point accuracy. More...
bool debugCode = false
 Request debug data to be embedded in the generated code. More...
bool showPtxInfo = false
 Request that PTX assembler information be displayed for each CUDA kernel during compilation. More...
double asGoodAsZero = 1e-19
 Global variable that is used when detecting close to zero values, for example when setting sparse connectivity from a dense matrix. More...
int defaultDevice = 0
unsigned int neuronBlockSize = 32
 default GPU device; used to determine which GPU to use if chooseDevice is 0 (off) More...
unsigned int synapseBlockSize = 32
unsigned int learningBlockSize = 32
unsigned int synapseDynamicsBlockSize = 32
unsigned int autoRefractory = 1
 Flag for signalling whether spikes are only reported if thresholdCondition changes from false to true (autoRefractory == 1) or spikes are emitted whenever thresholdCondition is true no matter what.%. More...
std::string userCxxFlagsWIN = ""
 Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for windows platforms) More...
std::string userCxxFlagsGNU = ""
 Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for unix based platforms) More...
std::string userNvccFlags = ""
 Allows users to set specific nvcc compiler options they may want to use for all GPU code (identical for windows and unix platforms) More...

Variable Documentation

double GENN_PREFERENCES::asGoodAsZero = 1e-19

Global variable that is used when detecting close to zero values, for example when setting sparse connectivity from a dense matrix.

int GENN_PREFERENCES::autoChooseDevice = 1

Flag to signal whether the GPU device should be chosen automatically.

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::autoRefractory = 1

Flag for signalling whether spikes are only reported if thresholdCondition changes from false to true (autoRefractory == 1) or spikes are emitted whenever thresholdCondition is true no matter what.%.

Flag for signalling whether spikes are only reported if thresholdCondition changes from false to true (autoRefractory == 1) or spikes are emitted whenever thresholdCondition is true no matter what.

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::debugCode = false

Request debug data to be embedded in the generated code.

int GENN_PREFERENCES::defaultDevice = 0
unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::learningBlockSize = 32
unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::neuronBlockSize = 32

default GPU device; used to determine which GPU to use if chooseDevice is 0 (off)

int GENN_PREFERENCES::optimiseBlockSize = 1

Flag for signalling whether or not block size optimisation should be performed.

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::optimizeCode = false

Request speed-optimized code, at the expense of floating-point accuracy.

bool GENN_PREFERENCES::showPtxInfo = false

Request that PTX assembler information be displayed for each CUDA kernel during compilation.

unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::synapseBlockSize = 32
unsigned int GENN_PREFERENCES::synapseDynamicsBlockSize = 32
std::string GENN_PREFERENCES::userCxxFlagsGNU = ""

Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for unix based platforms)

std::string GENN_PREFERENCES::userCxxFlagsWIN = ""

Allows users to set specific C++ compiler options they may want to use for all host side code (used for windows platforms)

std::string GENN_PREFERENCES::userNvccFlags = ""

Allows users to set specific nvcc compiler options they may want to use for all GPU code (identical for windows and unix platforms)