GeNN  4.9.0
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)

As well as state variables, custom updates can have variable and extra global parameter references which are used to reference variables and extra global parameters belonging to other neuron and synapse groups or even other custom updates.

Variable references

where ng is a , cs is a , cu is a and sg is a .

While references of these types can be used interchangably in the same custom update, as long as all referenced variables have the same delays and belong to populations of the same size, per-synapse weight update model variables must be referenced with slightly different syntax:

where sg is a and cu is a which operates on another synapse group's state variables.

These 'weight update variable references' also have the additional feature that they can be used to define a link to a 'transpose' variable:

where with tranposed dimensions to sg i.e. its postsynaptic population has the same number of neurons as sg's presynaptic population and vice-versa.

After the update has run, any updates made to the 'forward' variable will also be applied to the tranpose variable.

Tranposing is currently only possible on variables belonging to synapse groups with SynapseMatrixType::DENSE_INDIVIDUALG connectivity.

Extra Global Parameter references

where ng is a , cs is a , cu is a and sg is a .

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