==================== PyGeNN documentation ==================== GeNN is a software package to accelerate Spiking Neural Network simulations on hardware including NVIDIA GPUs using code generation. Networks are described using a simple Python API and the models and snippets used to describe the behaviour of the neurons and synapses which make up the networks are easily customised using strings containing a C-like language called GeNNCode. Note, this documentation is under construction. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the project developers. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :titlesonly: installation upgrading building_networks simulating_networks custom_models bibliography tutorials/index userproject/index Reference documentation GeNN is currently developed and maintained by `Dr James Knight `_ (`contact James `_) `Prof. Thomas Nowotny `_ (`contact Thomas `_) The development of GeNN is partially supported by the `EPSRC `_ grant numbers: - `EP/V052241/1 `_ - Unlocking spiking neural networks for machine learning research - `EP/P006094/1 `_ - Brains on Board - `EP/J019690/1 `_ - Green Brain Project. ------------------ Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`