GeNN  3.3.0
GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CBaseBase class for all current source models
 CDCDC source
 CGaussianNoiseNoisy current source with noise drawn from normal distribution
 CSwigModuleGeneratorA helper class for generating SWIG interface files
 NInitSparseConnectivitySnippetBase class for all sparse connectivity initialisation snippets
 COneToOneInitialises connectivity to a 'one-to-one' diagonal matrix
 CUninitialisedUsed to mark connectivity as uninitialised - no initialisation code will be run
 NInitVarSnippetBase class for all value initialisation snippets
 CConstantInitialises variable to a constant value
 CExponentialInitialises variable by sampling from the exponential distribution
 CGammaInitialises variable by sampling from the exponential distribution
 CNormalInitialises variable by sampling from the normal distribution
 CUniformInitialises variable by sampling from the uniform distribution
 CUninitialisedUsed to mark variables as uninitialised - no initialisation code will be run
 CBaseBase class for all neuron models
 CIzhikevichIzhikevich neuron with fixed parameters [1]
 CIzhikevichVariableIzhikevich neuron with variable parameters [1]
 CLegacyWrapperWrapper around legacy weight update models stored in nModels array of neuronModel objects
 CPoissonPoisson neurons
 CPoissonNewPoisson neurons
 CRulkovMapRulkov Map neuron
 CSpikeSourceEmpty neuron which allows setting spikes from external sources
 CSpikeSourceArraySpike source array
 CTraubMilesHodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm
 CTraubMilesAltHodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm
 CTraubMilesFastHodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm: Original fast implementation, using 25 inner iterations
 CTraubMilesNStepHodgkin-Huxley neurons with Traub & Miles algorithm
 CBaseBase class for all models - in addition to the parameters snippets have, models can have state variables
 CLegacyWrapperWrapper around old-style models stored in global arrays and referenced by index
 CVarInitContainerBase< 0 >
 CBaseBase class for all postsynaptic models
 CDeltaCurrSimple delta current synapse
 CExpCondExponential decay with synaptic input treated as a conductance value
 CBaseBase class for all code snippets
 CValueBase< 0 >
 CBaseBase class for all weight update models
 CLegacyWrapperWrapper around legacy weight update models stored in weightUpdateModels array of weightUpdateModel objects
 CPiecewiseSTDPThis is a simple STDP rule including a time delay for the finite transmission speed of the synapse
 CStaticGradedGraded-potential, static synapse
 CStaticPulsePulse-coupled, static synapse
 CStaticPulseDendriticDelayPulse-coupled, static synapse with heterogenous dendritic delays
 CCodeStreamHelper class for generating code - automatically inserts brackets, indents etc
 CCBA close bracket marker
 COBAn open bracket marker
 CCStopWatchHelper class for timing sections of host code in a cross-plarform manner
 CexpDecayDpClass defining the dependent parameter for exponential decay
 CneuronModelClass for specifying a neuron model
 CPairKeyConstIterCustom iterator for iterating through the keys of containers containing pairs
 CpostSynModelClass to hold the information that defines a post-synaptic model (a model of how synapses affect post-synaptic neuron variables, classically in the form of a synaptic current). It also allows to define an equation for the dynamics that can be applied to the summed synaptic input variable "insyn"
 CpwSTDPTODO This class definition may be code-generated in a future release
 CRaggedProjectionRow-major ordered sparse matrix structure in 'ragged' format
 CrulkovdpClass defining the dependent parameters of the Rulkov map neuron
 CSparseProjectionClass (struct) for defining a spars connectivity projection
 CweightUpdateModelClass to hold the information that defines a weightupdate model (a model of how spikes affect synaptic (and/or) (mostly) post-synaptic neuron variables. It also allows to define changes in response to post-synaptic spikes/spike-like events